Types of Learning Disability

Types of Learning Disability

dys,” meaning , hard or poor, and “lexis, “that is, speech or words. That’s how dyslexia refers to a marked difficulty in reading and/or understanding that which one read. For example, a dyslexic person may misread the word, “dyslexia,” as “lysdexia.”  The reading pattern of a dyslexic is characterized by omissions, distortions, or substitutions of letters or words. Dyslexics read slowly and haltingly as they struggle with the task of reading.

         Dyslexia people are often highly creative & original 

Common learning disabilities
DYSLEXIAa language based disability in which a person had trouble understanding written words. It may also be referred to as reading disability or reading disorder.
·         DYSCALCULIA a mathematical disability in which a person has a difficult time solving math problems and grasping math concepts.
·        DYSGRAPHIAa writing disability in which a person finds it hard to form letters to write within a defined space.
·         DYSPRAXIAPoor muscle coordination, unaware of physical surroundings, prone to accidents easily.
·         AUDITORY AND VISUAL PROCESSING DISORDERS- sensory disabilities in which a person has difficulty understanding language despite normal hearing and vision.
·         NONVERBAL LEARNING DISABILITIES – a neurological disorder which originates in the left hemisphere of the brain, causing problems with spatial, intuitive, organizational, evaluative and holistic processing functions.

 A child with a learning disability cannot try harder, pay closer attention, or improve motivation on their own; they need special guidance/help to learn how to do those things.

A learning disability , or learning disorder, is NOT a problem with intelligence.

Learning disorders are caused by a difference in the brain that affects how information is received, processed or communicated. Children and Adults with learning disabilities have trouble processing sensory information because they see, hear, and understand things differently.
There are many famous people with learning disabilities. The reason is to tell you that even learning disabilities don’t have to prevent you from developing your brain power.

Of course, not all these famous people have been officially diagnosed with learning disabilities, but they have exhibited many of the signs of ADD, ADHA and LD. The world famous author John Irving said. “The diagnosis of dyslexia wasn’t available in the late fifties – bad spelling like mind was considered a psychological problem by the language therapist who evaluated my mysterious case.”

Woodrow Wilson, the American scholar, statesman and 28th president of the U.S.A, couldn’t read until he was 10 years old. Actor Anthony Hopkins thought he was a “moron”, as a child, because he was so hopeless in school. Jack Horner, the model for the palaeontologist Allen Grant in “Jurassic Park “, is now a curator of palaeontology at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana and also a professor at Montana State University. He has found more fossils, pioneered more innovative technologies and postulated more theories about dinosaurs than anyone else, and yet doesn’t have a University degree, having flunked out of college 7 times.

Famous Personalities who became renowned inspite of having Learning Problems
*      Albert Einstein
*      Walt Disney
*      Winston Churchill
*      Thomas Edison
*      Alexander Graham Bell
*      Galileo
And still counting….

For any of assistance about learning disability in concern of your child you can mail us at:  counselling.ks@gmail.com
