About Learning Disability


Learning Disability is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across a life span.

There are 3 important factors that highlight the significant dimension of the disability:

·         The learning disabled individual shows discrepancy between achievement and intelligence.

·         Handicaps such as mental retardation visual and hearing impairment and emotional / behavioral disorders must be ruled out.

·         A  Learning disability is a psychological processing disorder and presumes a central nervous system dysfunction.

Problems in self regulatory behaviors, social perception and social interaction may exist with learning disabilities but do not constitute a learning disability.

Characteristics of Learning Disabilities:

Frequently asked question by parents and educators is what are the signs and symptoms that help one recognize whether the child has learning disability. Based on research and study 10 such characteristics have been identified and widely prevalent in individuals with learning disability.

1.      Hyperactivity 

2.       Perceptual impairment.

3.      Emotional liability

4.      General coordination Deficits

5.      Disorders of Attention

6.      Impulsive

7.      Disorders of Memory and Thinking

8.      Disorders of Speech and Hearing

9.      Specific learning disabilities in the area of reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic

10.  Equivocal neurological signs and electroencephalographic irregularities.

Some Issues and Concerns


A learning disability is usually diagnosed when a child enters primary school and is aggravated in higher classes when the focus of attention is less on basic skills and more on content information. The child is expected to read fluently, copy notes from the blackboard, write essays and answer question on a given passage. A fair amount of abstract reasoning is demanded and a massive burden in placed on memory.


Unfortunately parents take a longer time to admit that there could be something wrong with their child. Ignorance about the disability is prevalent and does a lot of harm by delaying intervention. Teachers too have a major role to play to detect if a child has learning disability. They are not aware of what learning disability is and a teacher’s typical response is that the child is too lazy, doesn’t concentrate, he is not trying hard enough.

And even when a teacher conveys her doubts, parents are reluctant to accept her assessment. If early diagnosis is not followed by appropriate remedial assistance to the child, he is labelled and stigmatized for life without any solution being offered. These children need special support and services.

The learning disabled child has a Invisible Handicap which can go undetected out of sheer ignorance! 

For any of assistance about learning disability in concern of your child you can mail us at:  counselling.ks@gmail.com

